Design Goes On! > English

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Design Goes On!

작성일 24-12-21 작성자 디자인비


In 2021, Monthly Design celebrates its 45th anniversary. From the point of view that this periodical started at a time when the term ‘applied art’ was more colloquial than ‘design’ it is astonishing that it has endured to an era where ‘design’ is used even superfluously. Looking back at how Monthly Design has grown amidst all this change, we touch upon a few landmark moments for both the magazine and its publishing company, Design House. Enjoy a brief glimpse into this archive of Korean design: as it was, how it is currently, and continues to develop.

Company Info

Company : DesignV.I.I
Adress : 1142, Beoman-ro, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Business registration number : 110-11-58329
Tel : +82-70-4353-0121

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